Friday, November 29, 2019

Journal 4 Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers

Journal 4 This week in class we talked about perception so far hall these topics we've tamed about I can relate to I feel like this class is definitely going to help me in the long wrong. Anyways perception it's how we see things everybody has their own perception of things one person might see something as ok another might see it as really wrong. After I passed my biology test my perception if things has changed at first I was like there's no way imam pass this test but I kept thinking about this class and was like I gotta think positive I gotta believe I'm gonna pass or I'm just not and so I passed now infidel like I can do anything cause I'm really bad at biology so I'm like ok I actually did ok I can actually do this whole college thing. So yea I'm liking college so far I'm liking this class its making me think about things a whole different way.

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